President Bob Hermann, Jr. (Information Technology: Administration | Retired) rang the Rotary bell at 6:40 PM and called to order our Club's second evening meeting at MoMo's. He welcomed everyone in the audience.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
This evening's Visiting Rotarian was Janet Leiva from the Rotary Club of San Francisco Castro. Our guests were Jennifer Braschayko, Mary Gorski, Robin Katsaros, Maggie Snyder, Eduardo Solaeche, and Calie Tsui.
Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA)
Vice President of Youth Development Todd St Vrain (Education: Administration | University of Melbourne) gave a recap of the 2024 RYLA Camp — the largest camp in our history. The audience also watched a short video on the activities at RYLA.
Paul Harris Fellow and Bequest Society Acknowledgments
President Bob recognized Dora Dye (Education | San Francisco and San Mateo Counties) for earning her PHF+6. He then recognized Dora and David Dye (Management Consulting | Retired) for achieving Bequest Society Level 1 and Anita Stangl (Medical Services | Alliance for Smiles) for achieving Bequest Society Level 3.

President Bob recognized David Dye, Dora Dye, and Anita Stangl.
Past and Upcoming Events
- Rotary Meadow: Dan Joraanstad (Financial Services: Advising | Retired) reported on the service project at Rotary Meadow on August 10, 2024.
- Visioning Update: President Bob invited all to attend the Rotary Revealed session on September 5, 2024.
- Thanksgiving: Dan Joraanstad reminded everyone to save the date of November 26, 2024 for Thanksgiving at The Arc San Francisco.
Check the Club's calendar for upcoming meetings and events. President Bob distributed a flyer on the upcoming shows offered by BroadwaySF; there is a discount for members of our Club.

Wendy Shew (Nonprofit Administration | Building Education) shared why she had founded Building Education: to build schools to make education accessible and to empower the educated to lift their village out of poverty through economic activities. She also shared the work completed to date in Nepal and the future building of the fifth school. Wendy thanked our Foundation for supporting this project.

Spin the Wheel
This evening's lucky door prize winners were Carrie Schucker (Psychology | Retired) who won two tickets to this wine tasting and Anita Stangl who won a costume mask.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 PM.
Meeting Volunteers
President Bob thanked this evening's meeting volunteers: Dora Dye for serving as scribe; Merve Yasavur (Information Technology: Computer Science) for serving as photographer; Wendy Shew for managing the microphone; David Dye for serving as greeter; and Ozan Yasavur (Engineering: Mechanical | Bioforcetech Corporation) for doing check-in at MoMo's.