Posted by Dora Dye on Jan 20, 2025
President Bob Hermann, Jr. (Information Technology: Administration | Retired) rang the Rotary bell at 6:32 PM and called to order our Club's monthly Evening Meeting at MoMo's. Tonight's audience was the largest to date: 40 people attended!
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
This evening's Visiting Rotarians were Betsy Chafcouloff and Maggie Snyder from the Rotary Club of San Francisco Castro and Johnny Scopazzi from the Rotary Club of San Rafael. Our guests were Maria Barrera, Josh Chan, Lily Dales, Pooja Dolas, Dana Jemison, Suhani Kamdar, Nahid Khodakarami, Tommy Lynn Moreau, LaJuan Payne, Siddhant Sancheti, and Timothy Tucker.
What has happened in our Club?
President Bob shared the events and activities that our Club has held since our last Evening Meeting back in November 2024. He showed photo collages of Thanksgiving at The Arc San Francisco, the Salvation Army Bell Ringing, the 2024 Holiday Party and Annual Meeting, the Catholic Charities Intergenerational Holiday Party, the Kwanzaa Celebration, and the Stars, Stripes, and Songs Fun-Raiser. He also mentioned the Vocational Networking Event held just before tonight's Evening Meeting. Bridget Mahoney (Nonprofit Administration | Catholic Charities SF) thanked our Club for the successful Catholic Charities Intergenerational Holiday Party and talked briefly about the Vocational Networking Event. Dan Joraanstad (Financial Services: Advising | Retired) reported that 66 people had attended the Stars, Stripes, and Songs Fun-Raiser, that raised over $50,000.
Southern California Wildfire Disaster Relief
President Bob talked about the flyer on each table this evening. Anyone who wanted to help the fire victims could donate here: 2025 Wildfire Disaster Relief | Rotary District 5280 
Polio Update
President Bob sadly reported that polio numbers were increasing again.
Update on Global Grant with the Rotary Club of San Francisco Castro
Rotarians Betsy Chafcouloff and Maggie Snyder from the Rotary Club of San Francisco Castro talked about the Global Grants awarded to our Club and the Castro Club to train speech therapists in Cambodia to assist patients suffering from dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing). They presented a slideshow showing the five public and private hospitals where the trainings took place. The trainings included lectures, workshops, and practicum. The Global Grants that our Club and the Castro Club received allowed us to train three cohorts of Cambodians to help their patients.
Betsy Chafcouloff and Maggie Snyder
Upcoming Events
Check the Club's calendar for upcoming meetings and events. President Bob invited Dora Dye (Education | San Francisco and San Mateo Counties) to talk about the upcoming Introductory PRLS course and Nancy Graydon (Development | Glaucoma Research Foundation) to talk about the Annual Gala of the Glaucoma Research Foundation.
Spin the Wheel
This evening's lucky door prize winner was Bridget Mahoney.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 PM.
Meeting Volunteers
President Bob thanked this evening's meeting volunteers: Dora Dye for serving as scribe; Peter Logan (Law: Insurance | Peter Logan Law Offices) for serving as photographer; President-Elect Frank Yoke III (Development | Serra Residential Center, Inc.) for serving as greeter; and Wendy Shew (Nonprofit Administration | Building Education) for doing check-in at MoMo's.