President Christopher Wiseman (Nonprofit Management | Glaucoma Research Foundation) called the 2022 Annual Meeting to order on December 13, 2022. Club Secretary Stacey Poole (Law: Family | Lerner Poole & Stewart, LLP) certified that a quorum was present. President Christopher celebrated the current members of the Board and thanked each for their service.
Next, the audience was introduced to the candidates to fill upcoming officer vacancies for the term beginning on July 1, 2023. President Christopher called for voting members to approve by acclamation the candidates selected by the Nominating Committee.
The vote to approve was unanimous, and the following were elected:
2023-24 President: Sunny Singh
2023-24 President-Elect: Bob Hermann
2023-25 Club Secretary: Nancy Graydon
2023-25 Club Treasurer: Bill Poppen
2023-25 Vice President of Club Services: Ozan Yasavur
2023-25 Vice President of Public Relations: Dan Davies
2023-25 Vice President of Vocational Services: Alex Omoko
2023-25 Vice President of Youth Services: Todd St Vrain.
2023-24 President-Elect: Bob Hermann
2023-25 Club Secretary: Nancy Graydon
2023-25 Club Treasurer: Bill Poppen
2023-25 Vice President of Club Services: Ozan Yasavur
2023-25 Vice President of Public Relations: Dan Davies
2023-25 Vice President of Vocational Services: Alex Omoko
2023-25 Vice President of Youth Services: Todd St Vrain.
Standing from left to right: President Christopher Wiseman, Ozan Yasavur, Sunny Singh, Bob Hermann, Bill Poppen, Nancy Graydon, Todd St Vrain, and Alex Omoko. Not pictured was Dan Davies.
There being no further business, the 2022 Annual Meeting was adjourned.