San Francisco's Homeless Prenatal Program (HPP) with the support of the Rotary Club of San Francisco recently hosted a graduation ceremony for expectant mothers. The theme was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Families gathered with hope to celebrate their soon-to-be arrival.
The graduation celebration kicked off with excitement as Club member Darlene Wilson from Catholic Charities in San Francisco organized fun games, bringing joy and camaraderie among the mothers. Their laughter transformed the event into a celebration of new beginnings.
Meanwhile, I helped with food distribution, feeling humbled by the opportunity to support these women. Handing out plates and refreshments, I felt honored to be a part of their journey, offering not just food, but a reminder that they were seen and valued.
The highlight was when the mothers received their Rotary backpacks, filled with essentials like clothes, blankets, and diapers. The gratitude was evident as their eyes sparkled with hope and relief. One mother, tearfully reading a letter of thanks in broken English, expressed how rare such support was in her home country. “Your kindness means more to me than I can express,” she said. As a mother, this was quite moving to me to witness.
As the ceremony ended, certificates of achievement and small cash gifts were given to help the mothers start their new chapter. Our Club’s support had a profound impact, providing not only essential items but also dignity, support, and hope.

Darlene Wilson and HPP's expectant mothers