Rotary Club of San Francisco
The Rotary Club of San Francisco Board of Directors met on January 23, 2024 at the Hotel Nikko. President Sunny Singh called the meeting to order at 10:23 a.m. Christopher Wiseman, Immediate Past President, recorded the minutes until Nancy Graydon, Secretary arrived.
In attendance were Nancy Graydon, Bob Hermann, Margaret Miley, Alex Omoko, Scott Plakun, President Sunny Singh, Todd St Vrain, Christopher Wiseman, Ozan Yasavur, Emily Borland, Maureen O'Shea, and Frank Yoke, constituting a quorum. Absent were Dan Davies and Bill Poppen. Nancy, Alex, and Frank arrived late and did not participate in any of the votes held at this meeting.
Today's guests were District 5150 Governor Laine Hendricks and Assistant Governor David Dye.
The Board reviewed and approved the November 28, 2023 minutes.
Margaret Miley asked the Board to consider Zunan "Phil" Ye and Niko Kowell for membership. The Board approved both candidates.
Margaret Miley asked the Board to consider Zunan "Phil" Ye and Niko Kowell for membership. The Board approved both candidates.
Meeting with DG Laine
District Governor Laine asked each Board member to report on their priorities and areas of focus for the remainder of the Rotary year.
District Governor Laine asked each Board member to report on their priorities and areas of focus for the remainder of the Rotary year.
There being no further business, the Club meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Rotary Service, Inc.
Due to the District Governor's visit, the Trustees of Rotary Service, Inc. did not meet in January 2024.
EDITOR'S NOTES: These highlights are from the January 23, 2024 Board minutes that were approved on February 27, 2024.