Posted by Nancy Graydon on Aug 29, 2023
Rotary Club of San Francisco
The Rotary Club of San Francisco Board of Directors met on July 25, 2023 via Zoom. President Sunny Singh called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. Nancy Graydon, Secretary, recorded the minutes.
In attendance were President Sunny Singh, President-Elect Bob Hermann, Emily Borland, Nancy Graydon, Margaret Miley, Alex Omoko, Maureen O’Shea, Scott Plakun, Bill Poppen, Todd St Vrain, Ozan Yasavur, and Frank Yoke, constituting a quorum. Dan Davies was absent. Also in attendance were Immediate Past President Christopher Wiseman, Executive Secretary Dora Dye, and Past President Mary Liu.
The Board reviewed and approved the June 27, 2023 minutes.
Treasurer's Report
President Sunny reviewed the 2023-2024 Budget and along with Treasurer Bill Poppen presented the necessary Board Resolution to give authority to President Sunny, Bill, and Secretary Nancy Graydon to be authorized signers for the Rotary Club of San Francisco on the Club's bank accounts.
The Board reviewed and approved the June 2023 Financial Statements. 
Administrative Matters
President Sunny confirmed that District Governor Laine Hendricks will meet with the Board at a Special Board Meeting scheduled for January 23, 2024. The Tuesday luncheon will immediately follow, and DG Laine will also speak to those attending the luncheon.
New Business
Membership: The Board approved the cost increase from $150 to $200 for a Leave of Absence from the Club beginning July 1, 2024. Vice President of Membership Margaret Miley presented four candidates for consideration: Thomas Bowen and Sue Robbins who would join as members of our corporate member - Catholic Charities San Francisco, Margarita Baxter-Lazaro, and Merve Yasavur. The Board approved all four candidates for membership.
Sister Clubs Agreement: President Sunny shared the Sister Clubs Agreement(the "Agreement") between the Rotary Club of San Francisco and the Rotary Club of Shanghai, China. The Board approved the Agreement.
Rotarian of the Month: The Board unanimously approved Bill Gregory for August 2023 Rotarian of the Month.
Environmental Service Award:  The Board approved a new Environmental Service Award to be named in honor of 2017-2018 Past President John Mathers. John had spearheaded the Rotary Climate Action Team to raise awareness of the dangerous effects of climate change
There being no further business, the Club meeting was adjourned at 5:08 p.m.
Rotary Service, Inc.
President Sunny Singh called the meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. Nancy Graydon, Secretary, recorded the minutes.
In attendance were President Sunny Singh, President-Elect Bob Hermann, Emily Borland, Nancy Graydon, Margaret Miley, Alex Omoko, Maureen O’Shea, Scott Plakun, Bill Poppen, Todd St Vrain, Immediate Past President Christopher Wiseman, Ozan Yasavur, and Frank Yoke, constituting a quorum. Dan Davies was absent. Also in attendance were Executive Secretary Dora Dye and Past President Mary Liu.
The Board of Trustees reviewed and approved the June 27, 2023 Service minutes.
Treasurer's Report
The Board of Trustees reviewed and approved the June 2023 financial statements presented by Treasurer Bill Poppen.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:33 p.m. 
EDITOR'S NOTES: These highlights are from the July 25, 2023 Board minutes that were approved on August 29, 2023.