Posted by Robin Azevedo on Jan 17, 2024
President Sunny Singh (Financial Services: Advising | PK Wealth Management) called today's meeting to order at 12:17 PM and welcomed those online and those attending in person at the Anzu Restaurant in the Hotel Nikko. He shared a photo of himself riding a bicycle from the Bike Build.
Today's Visiting Rotarian and Guests
Today's Visiting Rotarian was Richard Swart from the Rotary Club of San Francisco Chinatown. Our guests were Immanuel Baur, Lavar Ivy, Michael Ciaccia, and Cathy Tolentino. We also welcomed today's speaker - Shirmila Cooray.
Mission to Eradicate Polio in India
Dan Joraanstad (Financial Services: Advising | Retired) and President-Elect Bob Hermann (Information Technology: Administration | Retired UCSF) shared their experience while participating in Rotary International’s Mega Polio Eradication Mission in India. See story here. Our Club donates toward the vaccination of 100 children against polio at the cost of $3 per dosage each time we host a speaker. Bob closed with this Ghandi quote: “We must become the change we want to see.”
Welcome to the Club
Dan Joraanstad promoted the upcoming Welcome to the Club for New and Prospective Members on January 30, 2024
Award for Climate Action
Andrés Vera (Entertainment | Self-employed) discussed how the RCAT Committee is planning to honor Past President John Mathers by establishing an award in his honor. Criteria for this award are being established.
Grant Update
Maureen O’Shea (Governmental Relations | Retired) talked about the grant that had been awarded to the SMUIN Contemporary Ballet which led to a three-month program to introduce dance to children ages 4-8. A celebratory party was held for the students who completed the program in December. A few photos of these darling dancers were shared on screen.
Super Bowl Viewing Party and Squares
Jim Patrick (Retail: Office Supplies | Patrick & Co.) invited everyone to attend the upcoming Super Bowl Viewing Party on February 11, 2024 and to purchase Super Bowl Squares from him. More details and registration will be published soon on our Club's website and calendar.
Cirque du Soleil
Michael Ciaccia from the Marketing Department of Cirque du Soleil promoted the upcoming Koozå circus production at Oracle Park.

Wear Your Rotary Pins
Allan Herzog (Financial Services: Advising | Wells Fargo Advisors) reminded our Club members to wear Rotary pins to Rotary meetings. He admonished that in the past, pinless Rotarians were fined.
Share Your Good News ($20 for Twenty Seconds)
Here are today's donors:
  • Margaret Miley (Hospitality: Hotels | Retired) donated to announce that she will soon have a second grandchild.
  • Todd St Vrain (Education: Administration | University of Melbourne) donated to announce that it is time to apply to become a 2024 RYLA counselor.
  • Angelina Preza (Sales: Travel | Aquarium of the Bay) donated to share that she recently exchanged Rotary flags with Rotary clubs in Honolulu and Waikiki.
  • Immediate Past President Christopher Wiseman (Nonprofit Management | Glaucoma Research Foundation) donated to announce that the Glaucoma Gala will be held on February 8, 2024. More details to come.
  • PDG Eric Schmautz (Banking: Management | Retired) donated to announce that the bid to host a Rotary International Convention in 2029 was not successful but we are still waiting to hear if San Francisco will be chosen for the 2031 or 2032 convention.
Upcoming Events and Calendar
Check the Club's calendar for upcoming Committee meetings and service projects.
Shirmila CoorayGuest Speaker
Maureen O'Shea introduced Shirmila Cooray, Director of Development at the DeMarillac Academy located in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood. This is a private school that serves fourth to eighth graders. It is privately funded, and students’ tuitions are fully covered. The Academy recognizes that the neighborhood is culturally rich.
Shirmila shared videos about the school. Here are some facts about DeMarillac Academy:
  • Established in 2001 in the Tenderloin, it focuses on liberating children to succeed by creating leaders and thinkers.
  • Last year 100% of its middle school students went on to graduate from high school; 90% enrolled in college.
  • Seven of its graduates are on staff today.
  • The school collaborates with local organizations such as Alonzo King LINES Dance Center, CPMC, etc. to provide enrichment to the curriculum.
  • The school partners with the students’ families to ensure the students, teachers and parents are working together.
The De Marillac effort is impressively successful. Questions followed the presentation. President Sunny thanked Shirmila Cooray and announced that 100 children would be inoculated against polio in her name.
The meeting concluded at 1:30 PM.
Meeting Volunteers
President Sunny thanked today's meeting volunteers: Robin Azevedo (Retail: Mattresses | Retired, McRoskey Mattress Company) for serving as scribe; Frank Yoke (Development | Frank Yoke Consulting) for serving as photographer; Carrie Schucker (Psychology | Retired) for managing the microphone; Kirt Burdick of the Academy of Art University for managing the audio-visual equipment during our in-person meeting; Dan Davies (Information Technology: Consulting | North American Lighting) for handling social media; Margaret Miley and Clifford Phillips (The Arc San Francisco) for serving as greeters; Mary Liu (Real Estate: Sales | JM Real Estate Group) for serving as Zoom host; and JT Forbus (Accounting | Bogdan & Frasco) and David Dye (Management Consulting | Retired) for doing check-in at the Hotel Nikko.