Posted by Stacey Poole on Jan 08, 2025
President Bob Hermann, Jr. (Information Technology: Administration | Retired) called the meeting to order at 12:15 PM on January 7, 2025 and welcomed everyone attending in person or on Zoom.
Thought of the Day
Past President JT Forbus (Accounting | Bogdan & Frasco) read today's Thought of the Day which was "And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been."
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Today's Visiting Rotarians were District 5150 Governor Steve Wright from the Rotary Club of Pacifica, Jean Batman from the Rotary Club of Novato Sunrise, and John Cassidy from the Rotary Club of Yuba City. Our guests were Ahna Azevedo, Anne Marie Forbus, Esther Green, Ildiko Polony, Michelle Pommier, and Vincent Schwab. Our speaker was Festus Ezeli. Welcome to all!
Guest Speaker
Past President JT introduced today's speaker — Festus Ezeli. Festus is a former Golden State Warrior and shared his story of sports, education, and opportunity. He was born and raised in Nigeria until he was 14 years old. His parents (both former Rotarians) emphasized education and therefore, he graduated from high school at 14. He then moved to Yuba City to live with his uncle who is a doctor and had planned to study medicine. However, his uncle introduced him to the game of basketball given his height (6’5”). This required him to re-enroll in high school in order to try out for the high school basketball team, but he was immediately cut. He then met the local AAU basketball coach who agreed to mentor him. In his first game, Festus scored his first basket — for the other team — not understanding the rule that the teams switch baskets after halftime.
When it was time to select a college, Festus had 40 scholarship offers to play basketball. He selected Vanderbilt University. However, he didn’t immediately start as all of the players on the team were excellent which required him to learn patience and resilience. At Vanderbilt, he won a national championship.
Festus was then drafted in the first round by the Golden State Warriors — one of the worst teams in the NBA at that time. He wanted to demonstrate his worth and hard work ethic and showed up at 7 AM for an 11 AM practice, but Festus was surprised to see that Steph Curry was already at the gym, working on his jump shot. He and Steph discussed their desire to turn the team around and three years later, they won an NBA Championship. 
Unfortunately, injuries caused Festus’ career to be cut short, but he decided to take the opportunity to become the person that he needed at age 14. In addition to his work as a sports broadcaster, he works with youth both in the local community and in Africa. He left the membership with a video showing his work in Africa, introducing sports, technology, and education to the children in an effort to change their circumstances. Festus expressed an interest in partnering with our Club on a local youth project, and President Bob invited Festus to participate in the April Bike Build.
President Bob thanked Festus Ezeli and announced that 100 children would be inoculated against polio in his name. 
Member Update
  • Congratulations to Paul Yep (University Administration | Academy of Art University) who has been appointed Chief of Public Safety by San Francisco's incoming Mayor — Daniel Lurie.
  • Congratulations to Angelina Preza (Sales: Travel | Aquarium of the Bay) who recently got married.
District Awards
DG Steve Wright awarded Immediate Past President Sunny Singh (Financial Services: Advising | PK Wealth Management) a certificate for our Club’s donations to Polio Plus. We were only one of 15 clubs in the District that earned this distinction. Unfortunately, there has been an uptick in the number of polio cases, so DG Steve encouraged us to continue donating. 
Sunny Singh and DG Steve WrightLarry Booth and DG Steve Wright
Sunny Singh, DG Steve Wright, and Larry Booth
DG Steve honored Larry Booth (Engineering: Mechanical | Frank M. Booth, Inc.) for becoming a Rotarian of the Month in District 5150. See full story here.

EREY Spin the Wheel
This month's winner of the Every Rotarian Every Year Spin the Wheel contest was Angelina Preza. Angelina received $25. 
Grant Presentation to Sutro Stewards
President-Elect Frank Yoke III (Development | Serra Residential Center, Inc.) and Vice President of PR and Communications Dan Davies (Information Technology: Consulting | Zipline International) presented the Sutro Stewards with an $8,500 grant from the San Francisco Rotary Foundation. Ildiko Polony, Executive Director of Sutro Stewards, then spoke about the work of the stewards, including the work done by members of our Club over the years.
Dan Davies, PE Frank Yoke, President Bob Hermann, and Ildiko Polony
Recent and Next Events
Recent Events: Click here to view and read about KPIX-TV's spotlight on our partnership with Catholic Chairities and the SF-Marin Food Bank. 
See here for photos from the Catholic Charities Community Holiday Celebration. Read about the Salvation Army bell ringing where our Club raised $600 in four hours. Click here to read about the 2024 Kwanzaa Celebration.
Upcoming Events: Check the Club's calendar for upcoming meetings and events, including a Vocational Networking Event on January 16, the Lunar New Year dinner on January 30, and a soon-to-be-posted Super Bowl Party. PDG Eric Schmautz (Banking: Management | Retired) invited all to attend dinner with Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick and other Rotary dignitaries on February 2, 2025. Click here for information and registration.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM.
Meeting Volunteers
President Bob thanked today's meeting volunteers: Cecile Chiquette (Accounting | Retired) for serving as volunteer coordinator; Stacey Poole (Law: Family | Lerner Poole & Stewart, LLP) for serving as scribe; Jim Patrick (Retail: Office Supplies | Patrick & Co.) for serving as photographer; Peter Logan (Law: Insurance | Peter Logan Law Offices) for managing the microphone; Kirt Burdick of the Academy of Art University for managing the audio-visual equipment during our in-person meeting; Robin Azevedo (Retail: Mattresses | Retired, McRoskey Mattress Company) for serving as greeter; and Ozan Yasavur (Engineering: Mechanical | Bioforcetech Corporation) and Gary Dales (Accounting | Fly Leasing) for doing check-in at the Hotel Nikko.