President Sunny Singh (Financial Services: Advising | PK Wealth Management) rang the Rotary bell, called today's meeting to order at 12:15 PM, and welcomed those online and those attending in person at the Anzu Restaurant in the Hotel Nikko. He shared today's agenda and advised participants on in-person and Zoom best practices.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
- Visiting Rotarians: We welcomed Will Russel of the Rotary Club of Adelaide. Allan Herzog (Financial Services: Advising | Wells Fargo Advisors) introduced his cousin Kramer Herzog from the Rotary Club of Ross Valley.
- Speaker: Our speaker was Kim Turner. Accompanying Kim was Ellisah Blechynden.
- Guests: Jim Patrick (Retail: Office Supplies | Patrick & Co.) introduced his wife Jo, his daughter Wendy, and his son Jamie.
2024 District 5150 Conference
President Sunny shared with us photos from last weekend's District 5150 Conference in Reno. The District Conference this year included three districts – our District 5150, District 5180, and District 5190. Past President Mary Liu (Real Estate: Sales | JM Real Estate Group) was this year’s District Conference Chairperson, and she provided an overview of the activities and events. Everyone had a chance to meet new Rotarians and renew their friendship with Rotarians whom they had not seen in a while. Lifelong friendships were developed, and everyone had a great time.
President Sunny shared with us photos from last weekend's District 5150 Conference in Reno. The District Conference this year included three districts – our District 5150, District 5180, and District 5190. Past President Mary Liu (Real Estate: Sales | JM Real Estate Group) was this year’s District Conference Chairperson, and she provided an overview of the activities and events. Everyone had a chance to meet new Rotarians and renew their friendship with Rotarians whom they had not seen in a while. Lifelong friendships were developed, and everyone had a great time.
President Sunny highlighted one photo from the Celebration of Life Exhibit. This Exhibit honored Rotarians who had passed during the 2023-2024 Rotary year and included our Past President John Mathers.
Upcoming Events
Check the Club's calendar for upcoming Committee meetings and service projects. President Sunny shared how much he was looking forward to his roast on June 18 that will include a wine auction.
Share Your Good News ($20 for Twenty Seconds)
Thank you to the following who participated today and shared their good news: Past President Mary Liu, Dan Joraanstad (Financial Services: Advising | Retired), President Sunny Singh, and Stacey Poole (Law: Family | Lerner Poole & Stewart, LLP). Stacey thanked Tim Hornbecker (Nonprofit Management | Retired, The Arc CA) for referring a new client to her.
Social Time
Next, we had social time. At our table we discussed air travel and the turbulence on the Singapore Air flight from London to Singapore that was in the news.
President Sunny also notified us about the new hotel rules regarding post meeting social time. We are no longer to socialize in the meeting room, but rather move to the lobby where we can continue to socialize. The Hotel Nikko needs to set up the room for their dinner service and needs us cleared out on a timely basis.

Past President JT Forbus (Accounting | Bogdan & Frasco) introduced today's speaker - Kim Turner, a Title IX attorney. Kim comes from an athletic family: Her parents were both colleges athletes. Her mother is in the Skateboarding Hall of Fame. Kim played on the varsity women's volleyball team at Brown, where she earned her undergraduate degree. She is a graduate of the Cardozo Law School in New York City and has been litigating Title IX cases for more than ten years with a focus on equal access for girls at elementary and middle schools. Kim is a coach for both her son’s and daughter’s sports teams.
Kim introduced us to Title IX which was passed by Congress in 1972 and signed into law by President Nixon. Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in any school or any other education program that receives funding from the federal government and is mostly associated with a school’s athletic programs, but also applies to other aspects of education.
Kim provided us with statistics which show that despite the law being over 50 years old, participation by girls in athletics still lags that of boys. With audience participation, she highlighted some of the reasons. But there has been tremendous progress, and she highlighted the life advantages of playing sports in schools – higher paying jobs, higher graduation rates and better lifelong physical and mental health. Three million girls now participate in high school sports compared with 300,000 in 1972. The challenges include facilities, coaches, and, of course, funding.
There are many resources addressing Title IX issues, and each university must evaluate and balance items such as field and gym access. There are similar issues for K-12. The advancement of women professional sports is a positive outcome. All in all, it was an informative talk.
President Sunny thanked Kim Turner and announced that 100 children would be inoculated against polio in her name.
The meeting concluded at 1:33 PM.
Meeting Volunteers
President Sunny thanked today's meeting volunteers: Gary Dales (Accounting and Business Consulting | Fly Leasing) for serving as scribe; Ann Daugherty (Financial Services: Private Trading | IBN Financial Services) for serving as photographer; Allan Herzog for managing the microphone; Kirt Burdick of the Academy of Art University for managing the audio-visual equipment during our in-person meeting; Mary Liu for serving as Zoom Host; and Ozan Yasavur (Engineering: Mechanical | Bioforcetech Corporation) for doing check-in at the Hotel Nikko.