Rotary Club of San Francisco
The Rotary Club of San Francisco Board of Directors met on March 25, 2024 via Zoom. President Sunny Singh called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. Nancy Graydon, Secretary, recorded the minutes.
In attendance were Nancy Graydon, President-Elect Bob Hermann, Margaret Miley, President Sunny Singh, Todd St Vrain, Christopher Wiseman, Ozan Yasavur, Emily Borland, Dan Davies, Maureen O'Shea, Scott Plakun, and Frank Yoke, constituting a quorum. Absent were Bill Poppen and Alex Omoko. Today's guest was Mary Liu.
The Board reviewed and approved the February 27, 2024 minutes.
Update on Grant Selection
Now that the deadline of March 22, 2024 to apply for a grant has passed, President-Elect Bob Hermann discussed the next steps. The Board will be asked to vote on the grant proposals submitted at the May 28th Board meeting and make recommendations to the San Francisco Rotary Foundation by June 1st.
Upcoming Events
President Sunny invited the Board to participate in the Bike Build on April 13 and the vocational workshop on storytelling on April 25, 2024.
Rotarian of the Month
The Board selected Mary Liu for the March 2024 Rotarian of the Month.
Report from the Development Committee
Maureen O’Shea and Frank Yoke discussed the fundraising results: $111,000 have been contributed to date. The plan includes an April 1st “Ask Party” with a focus on EREY as 38 more contributions are needed to reach the 30% minimum of Club member giving. It was also noted that 7 more members need to register for the District Conference.
After discussion, a motion to pay $250 each for two half-page ads in the Program of the District Conference was made and unanimously approved. The ads would honor President Sunny Singh and District Governor Laine Hendricks.
Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer's Reports for the First Quarter of 2024 will be presented at the April 2024 Board meetings.
Membership Report
Vice President of Membership Margaret Miley reported that there were no new membership applications this month. She invited everyone to attend the Welcome to the Club event on April 3, 2024 and thanked President-Elect Bob Hermann and Dan Joraanstad for hosting this event.
There being no further business, the Club meeting was adjourned at 4:23 pm.
Rotary Service, Inc.
President Sunny Singh called the meeting to order at 4:24 p.m. Nancy Graydon, Secretary, recorded the minutes.
In attendance were Nancy Graydon, President-Elect Bob Hermann, Margaret Miley, President Sunny Singh, Todd St Vrain, Christopher Wiseman, Ozan Yasavur, Emily Borland, Dan Davies, Maureen O'Shea, Scott Plakun, Mary Liu, and Frank Yoke, constituting a quorum. Absent were Bill Poppen and Alex Omoko.
The Trustees reviewed and approved the February 27, 2024 minutes.
New Business
President-Elect Bob Hermann reported that 31 grants totaling $400,000 had been funded and there is approximately $240,000 still available for grants through the Foundation and DDF.
Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer's Reports for the First Quarter of 2024 will be presented at the April 2024 Board meetings. There was a comment that financial reports should be reviewed at every meeting.
Board Reports
Each Committee gave a report on its status to date.
Each Committee gave a report on its status to date.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:18 p.m.
EDITOR'S NOTES: These highlights are from the March 25, 2024 Board minutes that were approved on April 23, 2024.