Posted by Dora Dye on Dec 17, 2024
The 2024 Annual Meeting of the Rotary Club of San Francisco was called to order by President Bob Hermann at 1:10 p.m. on December 17, 2024. Club Secretary Nancy Graydon confirmed that proper notice had been given to the membership and certified that a quorum was present to conduct business at this meeting.

President Bob explained that in accordance with the Club's Bylaws, a Nominating Committee was established to identify the slate of candidates for open board positions for 2025-2026. The following individuals were selected:
2025-26 President: Frank R. Yoke, III
2025-26 President-Elect: Ozan Yasavur
2025-27 Club Treasurer: Gary Dales
2025-27 Club Secretary: Dora Dye
2025-27 Vice President of Youth Services: Stellie Kim
2025-27 Vice President of Club Services: Ann Daugherty
2025-27 Vice President of Public Relations/Public Image: Wendy Shew
2025-27 Vice President of Vocational Services: Hana Wang
A motion was made and seconded to adopt the nominations put forth by the Nominating Committee for open board positions for 2025-2026. The motion was passed by all Club members present.
Joining the above newly-elected Board members will be the following current Board members whose term continue into the new Rotary year:
2024-26 Vice President of Development: Maureen O’Shea
2024-26 Vice President of International Service: Stephen Geisheker
2024-26 Vice President of Membership: Margaret Miley
2024-26 Vice President of Community Service: Darlene Wilson
2024-26 Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Tim Hornbecker

With no further business, the Annual Meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m.