Rotary Club of San Francisco
The Rotary Club of San Francisco Board of Directors met on November 28, 2023 via Zoom. President Sunny Singh called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. Nancy Graydon, Secretary, recorded the minutes.
In attendance were Nancy Graydon, Bob Hermann, Margaret Miley, Alex Omoko, Scott Plakun, Bill Poppen, President Sunny Singh, Todd St Vrain, Christopher Wiseman, Ozan Yasavur and Frank Yoke, constituting a quorum. Absent were Emily Borland, Dan Davies, and Maureen O’Shea.
Today's guests were Brian Lan and Mary Liu.
The Board reviewed and approved the October 24, 2023 minutes.
The Board reviewed and approved the October 24, 2023 minutes.
New Business
Next Rotarians of the Month: The Board unanimously approved Angelina Preza as the November 2023 Rotarian of the Month and Anita Stangl as the December 2023 Rotarian of the Month.
New Requirements: President Sunny explained the new requirements to pre-approve vendor contracts and event/project budgets.
Visit by the District Governor: President Sunny reminded the Board that District Governor Laine Hendricks would attend our next Board Meeting and be the featured speaker at the January 23, 2024 luncheon.
Board Nominations
The Board unanimously approved the slate of candidates for open positions on the 2024-2025 Board of Directors submitted by the Nominating Committee. All active Club Members attending the Annual Meeting on December 12, 2023 would vote for the following candidates:
2024-25 President: Bob Hermann
2024-25 President-Elect: Frank Yoke
2024-26 Vice President of Development: Maureen O’Shea
2024-26 Vice President of International Service: Anita Stangl
2024-26 Vice President of Membership: Margaret Miley
2024-26 Vice President of Community Service: Darlene Wilson
2024-26 Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Tim Hornbecker
2024-25 President-Elect: Frank Yoke
2024-26 Vice President of Development: Maureen O’Shea
2024-26 Vice President of International Service: Anita Stangl
2024-26 Vice President of Membership: Margaret Miley
2024-26 Vice President of Community Service: Darlene Wilson
2024-26 Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Tim Hornbecker
Development Committee
President Sunny discussed the importance of a budget for every project and emphasized the importance of keeping within the budget to ensure project goals are met.
President Sunny discussed the importance of a budget for every project and emphasized the importance of keeping within the budget to ensure project goals are met.
Treasurer’s Report
Bill Poppen explained the October 2023 financials, which were approved by the Board.
Bill Poppen explained the October 2023 financials, which were approved by the Board.
Margaret Miley asked the Board to consider Douglas Apple for membership. The Board approved Douglas' membership application.
Margaret Miley asked the Board to consider Douglas Apple for membership. The Board approved Douglas' membership application.
There being no further business, the Club meeting was adjourned at 4:38 p.m.
Rotary Service, Inc.
President Sunny Singh called the Rotary Service, Inc. Board meeting to order at 4:42 p.m. Nancy Graydon, Secretary, recorded the minutes.
In attendance were Nancy Graydon, Bob Hermann, Margaret Miley, Alex Omoko, Scott Plakun, Mary Liu, Bill Poppen, President Sunny Singh, Todd St Vrain, Christopher Wiseman, Ozan Yasavur and Frank Yoke, constituting a quorum. Absent were Emily Borland, Dan Davies, and Maureen O’Shea.
The Board of Trustees reviewed and approved the October 24, 2023 Service minutes.
Treasurer's Report
The Trustees approved the October 2023 Treasurer’s report as presented by Treasurer Bill Poppen.
The Service meeting was adjourned at 5:22 p.m.
EDITOR'S NOTES: These highlights are from the November 28, 2023 Board minutes that were approved on January 23, 2024.