Rotary Service, Inc.
The Trustees of Rotary Service, Inc. met on September 24, 2024 via Zoom. President Bob Hermann called the meeting to order at 4:03 PM. Nancy Graydon, Secretary, recorded the minutes.
In attendance were Stephen Geisheker, Tim Hornbecker, Margaret Miley, Maureen O’Shea, President Bob Hermann, Immediate Past President Sunny Singh, Nancy Graydon, Christopher Wiseman, and President-Elect Frank Yoke, constituting a quorum. Absent were: Dan Davies, Bridget Mahoney, Darlene Wilson, Ozan Yasavur, Gary Dales, and Todd St Vrain. Our guests were Mary Liu and Executive Secretary Dora Dye.
The Trustees approved the July 23, 2024 minutes.
There were no minutes from August 20, 2024 due to the District Governor's visit on that day.
Financial Report
President Bob reviewed the financial report prepared by Treasurer Gary Dales. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, Rotary Service, Inc., had $233,000 in revenue and generated a deficit of $10,676. The deficit was the result of several factors including additional expenses incurred for Camp RYLA and unfulfilled 50/50 pledges. The Trustees unanimously approved the financial report.
President Bob reviewed the financial report prepared by Treasurer Gary Dales. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, Rotary Service, Inc., had $233,000 in revenue and generated a deficit of $10,676. The deficit was the result of several factors including additional expenses incurred for Camp RYLA and unfulfilled 50/50 pledges. The Trustees unanimously approved the financial report.
District Designated Funds Allocation
President Bob noted at the end of June 30, 2024 that there were additional District Designated Funds (DDF) of $1,090 available for use. Based on costs from last year’s Bike Build, the recommendation was to place these additional funds towards the 2025 Bike Build.
President Bob noted at the end of June 30, 2024 that there were additional District Designated Funds (DDF) of $1,090 available for use. Based on costs from last year’s Bike Build, the recommendation was to place these additional funds towards the 2025 Bike Build.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:14 PM.
Rotary Club of San Francisco
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:21 PM.
The Rotary Club of San Francisco Board of Directors met on September 24, 2024 via Zoom. President Bob Hermann called the meeting to order at 4:14 PM. Nancy Graydon, Secretary, recorded the minutes.
In attendance were Stephen Geisheker, Tim Hornbecker, Margaret Miley, Maureen O’Shea, President Bob Hermann, Immediate Past President Sunny Singh, Nancy Graydon, and President-Elect Frank Yoke, constituting a quorum. Absent were: Dan Davies, Bridget Mahoney, Darlene Wilson, Ozan Yasavur, Gary Dales, and Todd St Vrain. Our guests were San Francisco Rotary Foundation President Christopher Wiseman, Executive Secretary Dora Dye, and Mary Liu.
The Board reviewed and approved the August 20, 2024 minutes prepared by President-Elect Frank Yoke.
Treasurer’s Report
President Bob presented the Treasurer’s Report prepared by Gary Dales. He thanked Bill Poppen for his work as Treasurer for Fiscal Year 2024 and noted that the Club was in a strong financial position as of June 30, 2024. Net assets of the Club were $63,275 with $73,000 in the bank accounts and liabilities of $12,019 being settled.
President Bob presented the Treasurer’s Report prepared by Gary Dales. He thanked Bill Poppen for his work as Treasurer for Fiscal Year 2024 and noted that the Club was in a strong financial position as of June 30, 2024. Net assets of the Club were $63,275 with $73,000 in the bank accounts and liabilities of $12,019 being settled.
President Bob emphasized that the Club will continue to subsidize lunches and stressed the importance of maintaining a minimum attendance of 30 at lunch meetings as well as fulfilling EREY and other Club pledge commitments.
The Board unanimously approved the Treasurer's Report as presented.
Youth Services
On behalf of Todd St Vrain, President Bob provided an update on Youth Services. Todd will serve as the RYLA Chair next year, taking over Lynn Luckow’s role; Todd has asked the Board to consider additional leadership for certain aspects of Youth Services including Youth Scholarships and Interact. President-Elect Frank stated that the Nominations Committee would be recruiting to support these roles.
On behalf of Todd St Vrain, President Bob provided an update on Youth Services. Todd will serve as the RYLA Chair next year, taking over Lynn Luckow’s role; Todd has asked the Board to consider additional leadership for certain aspects of Youth Services including Youth Scholarships and Interact. President-Elect Frank stated that the Nominations Committee would be recruiting to support these roles.
President Bob discussed the Youth Protection PowerPoint included in the Board Packet and noted the importance of providing a safe space for youth, getting parental approval for photos, and getting youth-protection certified.
Global Grant Updates
President-Elect Frank reported on the GG2350482 Rotary Excel Teacher grant which was not approved due to travel restrictions and noted that The Rotary Foundation assisted with the planned resubmission of the grant.
President-Elect Frank reported on the GG2350482 Rotary Excel Teacher grant which was not approved due to travel restrictions and noted that The Rotary Foundation assisted with the planned resubmission of the grant.
PE Frank also noted that for the GG2457119 Turkey Clean Water grant, the Rotary Club of South San Francisco has partnered with our Club. With matching funds and additional fundraising, an additional $8,000 - $9,000 will be raised.
President Bob provided an update on the GG1867988 India Water Project that was delayed due to COVID-19, and while there was an excess of funds over $21K from the grant. The Project was given permission by Rotary International and India Project Leaders to extend the Project to allow the excess funds to be used in providing filtration systems to an additional 150 schools. Per Rotary International, final reporting is required by November 2024.
New Business
- President-Elect Frank gave an update from the Nominating Committee and identified the positions open for the 2025-2026 Rotary Year. Elections for the new Board members will occur on December 17 at the Holiday Party and Annual Meeting.
- President Bob announced that the grants process will begin soon. The grant portal is expected to open in May 2025.
- SFRF President Christopher talked about the revival of the Bru Brunnier Fellowship.
Rotarian of the Month
The Board selected Elizabeth Valdez Driskill as Rotarian of the Month for September 2024 and Tom Brunner as Rotarian of the Month for October 2024 in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the operations of our Club.
The Board selected Elizabeth Valdez Driskill as Rotarian of the Month for September 2024 and Tom Brunner as Rotarian of the Month for October 2024 in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the operations of our Club.
Vice President of Membership Margaret Miley presented Mary Gorski for membership. The Board approved Mary Gorski as a new member of our Club.
Vice President of Membership Margaret Miley presented Mary Gorski for membership. The Board approved Mary Gorski as a new member of our Club.
Committee Reports
The Chairs from each Committee gave a report on their Committee's activities to date.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:21 PM.
EDITOR'S NOTES: These highlights are from the September 24, 2024 Board minutes that were approved on October 29, 2024.