Transformation profoundly shapes individuals and communities. Our personal journeys extend outward to others, touching lives unexpectedly. For example, the young boy who exclaimed when he saw the fresh water coming out of the pump, “It’s Magic!” created great change. His vision had a remarkable impact on our International President Stephanie Urchick, causing her and the entire world of Rotary to be aware of the magic that Rotary brings in building peace and harmony.
Here are some important examples of change that I’ve experienced with our Club, and perhaps you have as well:
- In the last two years, our Club has actively moved ahead to embrace diverse cultures and modern realities, producing numerous DEI events and bringing awareness of the value of different ways. In the same manner, we were early in the move to bring women into Rotary.
- As we heard in the language of the membership induction, our Club is constantly transformed by new members joining us. Consider our leadership at the top. Past President Mary Liu filled her position as a leader in less than two years. And she proudly claimed the mantra of first Asian president of our Club. We celebrated that achievement. We were transformed, and Mary has brought much energy and accomplishment in her presidency and beyond. Laine Hendricks, Rhonda Poppen, and Christopher Wiseman became President very early on as well, and Laine was the youngest of our presidents and recently, District Governor. For all of our new members and prospective members, show us how you would transform our Club; seize the role of leadership! We want you! We need you!
- Last, it is easy to see how our work in preventing disease has transformed the world. Consider polio: In 1974 there were about 350,000 cases of polio in the world. In 1984 there were 28,000 cases. Now we have less than 10 cases across the globe. Through our funds and dogged efforts, we have led the way to almost eliminating the scourge of polio.
During my presentation, I shared photos of flowers. The annual Art Show at the DeYoung is a metaphor for transformation: stunning floral arrangements are inspired by pieces of art and embody ”Bouquets to Art." This metaphor echoes the tradition and the transformation that Rotarians seek. We seek to lift up individuals, families, and communities. We use familiar tools of service and fellowship to foster positive change throughout our City and the world.
Providing service to others helps lift us up as well. Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to be a Rotarian. Won’t you be a part of the change that you want to see in the world?