
May 12, 2024

From the Club Blog
Touring the Phoenix Kingdoms Exhibit
Members from our Club and friends eagerly gathered at the entrance of the Asian Art Museum. Our anticipation was palpable as we awaited our journey through the Phoenix Kingdoms exhibit. Led by knowledgeable docent Peggy Mathers, we embarked on a voyage through time to explore the artistic and spiritual wonders of the multistate Zhou dynasty. Peggy shared her contagious enthusiasm during this exhibit and painted vivid pictures of ancient rituals and cultural traditions as we wandered through the exhibit adorned with artifacts from over 2,000 years ago. Each artifact seemed to tell a story of emperors or warriors and the intricate tapestry of life in the Zhou dynasty.
Throughout the tour, we marveled at the delicate craftsmanship of bronze vessels and the serene beauty of jade carvings, and couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence for the ancient civilization that once flourished in the Phoenix Kingdoms. These artifacts were preserved by the encasement of wood, sans oxygen, which allowed these treasures to emerge unscathed. One such example was the preserved lacquered box adorned with luscious, vibrant colors and painted with people on its exterior - the only such artifact in this exhibit that was found with people on it.
Discovering the Traditions of Passover
On April 28, 2024, members of our Club gathered at the home of Betty Newman (a friend of the Club) to celebrate Passover with a Seder, the special dinner in which family and friends gather to retell the story of Exodus: how the Jews fled from slavery in Egypt. Betty described the cleaning that she had done to prepare her house for the Passover holiday. She also talked about the separate set of dishes used only during Passover.
At the table was a Seder plate with items that symbolize different aspects of Passover:
  • A roasted lamb shank bone represents the sacrifice of a lamb, which was performed at the Temple when it stood in Jerusalem.
  • A roasted egg represents the circle of life.
  • Bitter herbs represent the bitterness of slavery.
  • Charoset (a mixture of sweet wine, nuts, and apples) symbolizes the mortar used by the enslaved Jews to construct buildings for Pharaoh.
  • Parsley represents the rebirth of spring.
  • A bowl of salt water serves as a reminder of the tears and sweat shed during the slavery in Egypt.
Renewal of Hotel Nikko Contract
The Rotary Club of San Francisco is thrilled to announce the renewal of its partnership with the Hotel Nikko for another three years. This renewal brings exciting enhancements, ensuring seamless event coordination with no changes to costs for storage of AV equipment and Rotary supplies as well as room rental. The innovative menu remains unchanged. Despite slight cost increases for meals, we won't pass the additional costs on to our members, thanks to subsidies and forthcoming sponsorships.
Some key updates include: 
  • a minimum seating requirement of 30 attendees for luncheons,
  • a parking fee increase to $25 as parking is managed by a third party vendor (current discounted parking rate is $17.50), and
  • a charge for staff coverage beyond 2 PM (without prior arrangements).
The Hotel has graciously allowed our Club to consider the installation of a San Francisco Rotary Club Medallion on the Hotel building. In doing so, this will enhance brand visibility. We extend our gratitude to Hotel Nikko and look forward to continued collaboration in service to our community.
LUNCHEON MEETING HIGHLIGHTS May 7, 2024: Bill Lieberman: Why We Drive on the Right and Others Don't
President Sunny Singh (Financial Services: Advising | PK Wealth Management) rang the Rotary bell, called today's meeting to order at 12:15 PM, and welcomed those online and those attending in person at the Anzu Restaurant in the Hotel Nikko. President Sunny acknowledged our hipster greeters for today — Tim Hornbecker (Nonprofit Management | Retired, The Arc CA) and Clifford Phillips (The Arc San Francisco), both sporting bow ties and snappy caps as finishing sartorial touches.
Happy Birthday
The audience delivered a rousing, slightly off key Happy Birthday song to Immediate Past President Christopher Wiseman (Nonprofit Management | Glaucoma Research Foundation).
Upcoming Events
ROTARY LUNCHEON May 14, 2024: Jerusalem Peacebuilders
Rev. Canon PorterDr. Elias FarahLearn about Jerusalem Peacebuilders and the EXCEL teachers' program, a new grant partner for the Rotary Club of San Francisco. Today's speakers (Rev. Canon Porter and Dr. Elias Farah) will also touch upon the current conflict in Israel.
DEI EVENT May 19, 2024: Rotary DEI Film Festival Presents Before Stonewall
As an early kickoff to San Francisco Pride, our May DEI Film Festival movie is Before Stonewall, a documentary about the early history of the Gay and Lesbian community before the Stonewall riots began the major gay rights movement. This film has not been rated. This event is open to Rotarians, their friends, and family. 
ROTARY LUNCHEON May 21, 2024: Kim Turner and Title IX in Sports
Kim Turner, Co-CEO of the Bay Area Women's Sports Initiative and a Title IX attorney will speak about Title IX in sports and its future, especially in the Bay Area. 
ROTARY LUNCHEON June 4, 2024: D'Arcy Drollinger
In honor of Pride Month, the Rotary Club of San Francisco proudly welcomes San Francisco’s first ever Drag Laureate — D’Arcy Drollinger! Come to learn about this position, which the City says is the first in the U.S., to bring visibility to the LGBTQ community and to work with City agencies to address LGBTQ people’s needs.
Celebration Picnic for President Sunny: June 15, 2024
Join us to show President Sunny our appreciation for his leadership throughout this Rotary year. We will congratulate our new members, and salute the many fine accomplishments of the Club this year. All members, guests, and their families are welcome.