Contact: Brian Lan
San Francisco
2505 Mariposa Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States of America

Bike Build 2024We'll be assembling 150 brand new bikes for distribution to kids in Kindergarten through 5th grade in the Bayview area of San Francisco. This event is a financial partnership among the Rotary Club of San Francisco, the Rotary Club of San Francisco Bayview, the Rotary Club of San Francisco Greater Mission, the Bayview Hunter's Point YMCA, TogetherSF, and 1-800-GOT-JUNK. Also partnering with us on the event will be the San Francisco Police Department, the SF Bike Coalition, and YBike San Francisco.

We'll begin building the bikes at 8 AM in the TogetherSF warehouse so we can have them ready for the kids when they arrive at 1 PM. We will have the entire block of York Street at Mariposa closed for the event. The kids and their families will choose their bike as well as a free helmet and bike lock when they arrive at the York Street location. Representatives from the SF Bike Coalition, YBike, and Rotary Clubs will ensure proper bike and helmet fitting. SFPD officers will work with the kids on bike safety and security as they try their bikes out on the closed street.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided to volunteers. We will also need help with clean-up from 2:30-3:30 PM. Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, partner organizations, friends, and family are all welcome. Rotarians: Please wear Rotary-themed gear. Long pants and closed-toe shoes recommended for the bike assembly portion.

Instructions: You may sign up for the entire day or just the bike assembly from 8 AM-12 noon or the bike distribution and clean-up from 11:30 AM-3:30 PM. 

Registration button

Any questions, please contact Brian Lan.

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