President Bob Hermann, Jr. (Information Technology: Administration | Retired) rang the Rotary bell at 12:14 PM and began today's meeting at the Anzu Restaurant in the Hotel Nikko. He welcomed those online and those attending in person and noted that the photos featured on today's slides came from his and Dan Joraanstad's (Financial Services: Advising | Retired) garden. President Bob encouraged Club members to share their favorite photos.
Thought of the Day
Allan Herzog (Financial Services: Advising | Wells Fargo Advisors) read today's Thought of the Day by former President John F. Kennedy: "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
Paul Harris Fellow Recognitions
President Bob shared who Paul Harris was. Paul had founded Rotary International in Chicago with a vision that a group of business professionals could help each other by helping others through service. Since 1905, Rotary International has grown to 200 countries and 46,000 clubs and serves the world through seven Areas of Focus:
- Peace Building and Conflict Prevention
- Disease Prevention and Treatment
- Water and Sanitation
- Maternal and Child Health
- Basic Education and Literacy
- Community and Economic Development
- Environmental Protection.
The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, in increments of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation. President Bob recognized the following Club members who had earned a Paul Harris Fellowship recently:

Darlene Wilson, Tim Hornbecker, Frank Yoke, Stephen Geisheker, Margaret Miley, Ozan Yasavur, Todd St Vrain, and Maureen O'Shea

Rotaplast Bocce Ball Tournament and BBQ
Rotaplast held a bocce ball tournament to support Rotaplast's Mission to Nagamangala, India. The winner of the tournament was the Rotary Club of San Francisco represented by PDG Eric Schmautz (Banking: Management | Retired), Stephanie Schmautz (Elder Care and Senior Services | The Carlisle), and their family.

Upcoming Club Events
Check the Club's calendar for upcoming meetings and events. President Bob distributed a flyer on the upcoming shows offered by BroadwaySF; there is a discount for members of our Club.
Environmental Project
Rotary District 5150 is inviting Rotarians and their clubs to submit an initiative focused on environmental sustainability. So far, there has been a lot of interest from our Club and other clubs. Click here for details and application. The deadline to apply is September 15, 2024.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests
Today's Visiting Rotarians were District Governor Steve Wright from the Rotary Club of Pacifica, Assistant Governor Erik Scheller from the Rotary Club of Fisherman's Wharf, and Karen Schmautz from the Rotary Club of Indian Rocks Beach in Florida. Our guests were Fiorela Martinez, Molly Schmautz, and Katie Schmautz.
Share Your Good News ($25 for Twenty Five Seconds)
- Todd St Vrain (Education: Administration | University of Melbourne) donated to celebrate his mother's visit in San Francisco.
- Dan Joraanstad donated to celebrate his and President Bob's admission into the Arch Klumph Society and their establishment of a Charitable Remainder Trust that will benefit Rotary for many years to come.
- Immediate Past President Sunny Singh (Financial Services: Advising | PK Wealth Management) donated to express appreciation for the tequila tasting that he was given and to announce his participation in Burning Man.
- Anita Stangl donated to express appreciation to all of the members of the Rotary Club of San Francisco who helped her to get back on her feet. She especially thanked Dan Joraantad and President Bob.
- Merve Yasavur donated to express gratitude for all of the support that she has received from our Club and to announce that she has a new job.
Guest Speaker
President Bob introduced Assistant Governor Erik Scheller. AG Erik introduced today's speaker — District Governor Steve Wright. The audience heard about DG Steve's background and his work in Rotary since 1987. DG Steve thanked the Rotary Club of San Francisco for making a difference. He discussed the current Rotary International theme — The Magic of Rotary.
DG Steve also discussed his theme for District 5150 — Hope in Action. DG Steve distributed District pins and noted that the symbol depicts hands working on projects. He said that Rotary is about projects and friends. Rotary is where our friends are, and Rotarians are world leaders who collaborate to develop opportunities for service. Throughout his discussion, DG Steve gave examples of collaboration and the difference that was made. He invited us to these two events: District Membership Summit and the USS Hornet Foundation Event.
He closed with this quote, "Together we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe in our communities and ourselves." President Bob thanked District Governor Steve Wright and announced that 100 children would be inoculated against polio in his name.

Assistant Governor Erik Scheller and District Governor Steve Wright
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM.
Meeting Volunteers
President Bob thanked today's meeting volunteers: President-Elect Frank Yoke III (Development | Serra Residential Center, Inc.) for serving as scribe; Jim Patrick (Retail: Office Supplies | Patrick & Co.) for serving as photographer; Allan Herzog for managing the microphone; Kirt Burdick of the Academy of Art University for managing the audio-visual equipment during our in-person meeting; Christopher Wiseman (Past President) for serving as Zoom Host; Robin Azevedo (Retail: Mattresses | Retired, McRoskey Mattress Company) and her team for serving as greeters; and Ozan Yasavur (Engineering: Mechanical | Bioforcetech Corporation) for doing check-in at the Hotel Nikko.