Rotary Club of San Francisco
The Rotary Club of San Francisco Board of Directors met on September 26, 2023 via Zoom. President Sunny Singh called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. Dora Dye, Executive Secretary, recorded the minutes.
In attendance were Emily Borland, Dan Davies, Margaret Miley, Alex Omoko, Scott Plakun, Bill Poppen, President Sunny Singh, Todd St Vrain, Ozan Yasavur, Christopher Wiseman, and Frank Yoke, constituting a quorum. Absent were Maureen O’Shea, Nancy Graydon, and Bob Hermann. Also in attendance was Executive Secretary Dora Dye.
The Board reviewed and approved the August 29, 2023 minutes.
The Board reviewed and approved the August 29, 2023 minutes.
Treasurer's Report
Bill Poppen explained the 2023 year-end financial report and the August 2023 financials. The Board reviewed the list of delinquent Club dues.
The Board reviewed and approved the August 2023 Financial Statements.
Administrative Matters
President Sunny shared that the presentations of grant checks have been scheduled into 2024. Sunny also reminded the Board to review the requirements for the upcoming annual Club Excellence Awards.
New Business
Rotarian of the Month: The members unanimously agreed that Alisha Marfatia be awarded the Rotarian of the Month for September 2023.
Development: Frank Yoke, on behalf of Maureen O’Shea, provided an update on the upcoming Fashion show and the communications regarding EREY.
There being no further business, the Club meeting was adjourned at 4:34 p.m.
Rotary Service, Inc.
In attendance were Emily Borland, Dan Davies, Margaret Miley, Alex Omoko, Scott Plakun, Bill Poppen, President Sunny Singh, Todd St Vrain, Ozan Yasavur, Christopher Wiseman, and Frank Yoke, constituting a quorum. Absent were Maureen O’Shea, Nancy Graydon, Bob Hermann, and Mary Liu. Today's guest was Executive Secretary Dora Dye.
President Sunny Singh called the Board meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. Dora Dye, Executive Secretary, recorded the minutes.
In attendance were Emily Borland, Dan Davies, Margaret Miley, Alex Omoko, Scott Plakun, Bill Poppen, President Sunny Singh, Todd St Vrain, Ozan Yasavur, Christopher Wiseman, and Frank Yoke, constituting a quorum. Absent were Maureen O’Shea, Nancy Graydon, Bob Hermann, and Mary Liu. Today's guest was Executive Secretary Dora Dye.
The Board of Trustees reviewed and approved the August 29, 2023 Service minutes.
Treasurer's Report
The Board of Trustees reviewed and approved the August 2023 financial statements presented by Treasurer Bill Poppen.
The Service meeting was adjourned at 5:06 p.m.
EDITOR'S NOTES: These highlights are from the September 26, 2023 Board minutes that were approved on October 24, 2023.