Posted by Dora Dye on Jul 16, 2024
President Bob Hermann, Jr. (Information Technology: Administration | Retired) rang the Rotary bell and began today's meeting at the Anzu Restaurant in the Hotel Nikko. He welcomed those online and those attending in person and shared today's agenda.
Thought of the Day
Maureen O'Shea (Governmental Relations | Retired) read today's Thought of the Day by Robert Alan Aurthur: "Cultural differences should not separate us from each other, but rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit all of humanity." 
Club History
President Bob went over the Rotary Four-Way Test. Then, he talked about Charter Member and Past President Henry J. "Bru" Brunnier and invited nominations for Bru Brunnier Fellows
Newest Paul Harris Fellow
Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tim Hornbecker (Nonprofit Management | Retired, The Arc CA) donated points to honor Clifford Phillips (The Arc San Francisco) with his first Paul Harris Fellowship. Since joining our Club, we always see Clifford smiling, helping at Club events, supporting our Club when needed, and serving as a greeter at our luncheons. Congratulations to Clifford Phillips for being our newest Paul Harris Fellow!
Tim Hornbecker, Clifford Phillips, and President Bob Hermann              Tim Hornbecker and Clifford Phillips
First Evening Meeting
Scott Morton of MoMo's, where our First Evening Meeting will be held, was unable to be present at our luncheon today, but he sent a message via President Bob to express how wonderful it will be to partner with our Club. Join us on July 25 at our first Evening Meeting.
Today's Guests
Today's guests were James Thomsen, Milo Hanke, and David Folk. Our speaker was John Rothmann.
Welcome to the Club
President Bob thanked Robin Azevedo (Retail: Mattresses | Retired, McRoskey Mattress Company) for hosting our Welcome to the Club on July 10.
Club Visioning
President Bob provided an update on the two Club Visioning meetings: one on July 13 and the other on July 20. He talked about following this Rotary Action Plan.
Spotlight on a Board Member
Today's spotlight was on Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tim Hornbecker. We learned about his background, his work with both The Arc San Francisco and The Arc California, and his hopes and goals for diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Tim Hornbecker
Upcoming Events
Check the Club's calendar for upcoming meetings and events. 
Environmental Project
Rotary District 5150 is inviting Rotarians and their clubs to submit an initiative focused on environmental sustainability. Click here for details and application. The deadline to apply is September 15, 2024.
Table Talk
Today's topic was: What is your favorite technology gadget or perhaps a tech trend that you are seeing? People at the tables or on Zoom shared their thoughts with one another.
Guest Speaker
Speakers Committee Chair Larry Booth (Engineering: Mechanical | Frank M. Booth, Inc.) introduced today's speaker - John Rothmann. John has been a frequent speaker at our Club. As a political commentator, his presence and presentation were timely given the current news and politics in our country. John introduced each topic and explained the impact on the U.S. and the world using if-then scenarios. Many of these scenarios were eye opening.
John Rothmann
President Bob thanked John Rothmann and announced that 100 children would be inoculated against polio in John's name.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM.
Meeting Volunteers
President Bob thanked today's meeting volunteers: Dora Dye (Education | San Francisco and San Mateo Counties) for serving as scribe; Jim Patrick (Retail: Office Supplies | Patrick & Co.) for serving as photographer; Gary Dales (Accounting | Fly Leasing) for managing the microphone; Kirt Burdick of the Academy of Art University for managing the audio-visual equipment during our in-person meeting; Christopher Wiseman (Past President) for serving as Zoom Host; Robin Azevedo for serving as greeter; and Ozan Yasavur (Engineering: Mechanical | Bioforcetech Corporation) for doing check-in at the Hotel Nikko.