Posted by Robin Azevedo on Nov 06, 2024
President Bob Hermann, Jr. (Information Technology: Administration | Retired) called the meeting to order at 12:16 PM. As today was Election Day, he asked the audience if everyone had voted.
Visiting Rotarian and Guests
Today's Visiting Rotarian was Jorma Rättö from the Rotary Club of Hyvinkää in Finland. Joining Jorma was his partner, Taina. Other guests were Jennifer Jaime, Emily Matey, Eric Sleigh, Christina Smith, and Chan Tan. Our speaker was Aditi Desai. Welcome to all!
Flag Exchange
President Bob exchanged Rotary flags with Jorma Rättö.
Thought of the Day
Sue Robbins (Nonprofit Administration | Catholic Charities SF) read today's Thought of the Day by Mitch Albom:  “Family is about love and support. This is part of what a family is about, not just love. It's knowing that your family will be there watching out for you.”
Newest Members to the Arch Klumph Society
Congratulations to President Bob and Dan Joraanstad (Financial Services: Advising | Retired) who were inducted into the Arch Klumph Society by Rotary International President Stephanie Urchik and Rotary Foundation Chair Mark Maloney at Rotary Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois. See full story here.
Dan Joraanstad and President Bob Hermann
Time for Gratitude
The month of November ushers in the celebration of Thanksgiving and a reminder to express gratitude. President Bob shared a list at this meeting of Rotarians to whom we owe deep gratitude:
  • The members of the 2024 Nominating Committee for producing a list of candidates for officers and Committee Chairs for the 2025-2026 Rotary Year.
  • Past President and San Francisco Rotary Foundation (SFRF) President Christopher Wiseman for competing in and completing the New York Marathon. We are also grateful to Christopher for introducing our Club to Family House that serves as a home away from home for families of children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses by providing physical comfort and emotional support, free from financial concerns.
  • Elizabeth Valdez Driskill (Nonprofit Administration | Catholic Charities SF) for organizing and leading the Service Project at the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank in September 2024. President Bob awarded Elizabeth the honor of September 2024 Rotarian of the Month.
  • Tom Brunner (Nonprofit Management | Glaucoma Research Foundation) for his years of service as treasurer of the San Francisco Rotary Foundation and his philanthropy in our Club. President Bob awarded Tom the honor of October 2024 Rotarian of the Month.
Tom Brunner, President Bob Hermann, and Elizabeth Valdez Driskill
  • Tony Alioto (Nonprofit Administration | Catholic Charities SF) for his new baby and (future Rotarian).
  • President-Elect Frank Yoke III (Development | Serra Residential Center, Inc.) for earning his Paul Harris + 8 Award and participating in the San Francisco State Rotaract Club meeting.
  • Past President Mary Liu (Real Estate: Sales | JM Real Estate Group) for organizing and leading our Club's participation in the 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's. See full story here.
  • Wendy Shew (Nonprofit Administration | Building Education) for receiving Second Place in the Changemaker of the Year category of the 2024 Women Changing The World Awards. Wendy was recognized for her amazing work through Building Education in Nepal. See here for list of winners.
  • Barbara Streett (Nonprofit Administration | The Arc San Francisco) for leading The Arc Thanksgiving along with Project Leaders Dan Joraanstad and Eric Schmautz (Banking: Management | Retired).
  • Six new members who joined our Club so far in 2024-2025.
  • The following Corporate Partners: Catholic Charities, Glaucoma Research Foundation, Alliance for Smiles, and Rotaplast, who have provided to our Rotarians service projects both at home and abroad as well as special events.
Grant Presentation to the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank
SFRF Treasurer Tom Brunner presented a check in the amount of $10,000 to the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank. Tom shared that our Club's Foundation manages an endowment of over $6,000,000, allowing the Club to distribute $200,000 in grants each year. The Rotary Foundation (TRF) manages $1.3 billion, allowing it to annually distribute over $3 million in grants around the world. One Rotary volunteer day at the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank provides 4,100 meals to their clientele. Members of the Food Bank thanked us for financial and volunteer support. 
Share Your Good News
  • President Bob donated to celebrate Immediate Past President Sunny Singh's (Financial Services: Advising | PK Wealth Management) upcoming mission with Alliance for Smiles. Sunny will travel to Vietnam.
  • Christopher Wiseman donated to celebrate his run in the New York Marathon and to celebrate President Bob's completion of the first third of his presidential year.
  • Sue Robbins donated to recognize her colleagues from Catholic Charities who have supported the efforts of our Club.
  • Anita Stangl (Medical Services | Alliance for Smiles) donated to welcome back Vice President of Club Services Ozan Yasavur (Engineering: Mechanical | Bioforcetech Corporation) and Merve Yasavur (Information Technology: Computer Science | Self-employed). Ozan and Merve had been traveling in Turkey.
  • Ozan Yasavur donated to say that he was glad to be back and had missed everyone in our Club.
  • Tim Hornbecker (Nonprofit Management | Retired, The Arc CA) donated to celebrate his recent visit to six national parks in six days. On four of those days, he was with his wife Pat who had suffered a fractured elbow. Tim also promoted the next DEI Film on November 17, 2024.
  • Eric Sleigh donated to thank the spouses who support our Club's leaders as he had supported his spouse, Christopher Wiseman.
Table Talk
The audience had five minutes to converse. Some Rotarians shared stories of their favorite Thanksgiving celebration.
Upcoming Events
Guest Speaker
Christopher Wiseman introduced today's speaker — Aditi Desai. Aditi gave an overview of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). CIRM's mission is to accelerate science and deliver transformative regenerative medicine treatments equitably to California and the world. President Bob thanked Aditi Desai and announced that 100 children would be inoculated against polio in her name.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM.
Meeting Volunteers
President Bob thanked today's meeting volunteers: Cecile Chiquette (Accounting | Retired) for serving as volunteer coordinator; Robin Azevedo (Retail: Mattresses | Retired, McRoskey Mattress Company) for serving as scribe; Jim Patrick (Retail: Office Supplies | Patrick & Co.) for serving as photographer; David Dye (Management Consulting | Retired) for managing the microphone; Kirt Burdick of the Academy of Art University for managing the audio-visual equipment during our in-person meeting; John Hoch (Financial Services: Advising | Retired) for serving as Zoom Host; Tony Alioto, Tim Hornbecker, and Clifford Phillips (The Arc San Francisco) for serving as greeters; and Gary Dales (Accounting | Fly Leasing) and Ozan Yasavur for doing check-in at the Hotel Nikko.